Happy New Month [June 1]


New months bring good fortune to our lives along with their challenges, but the month of June is the most generous. June is the 6th month of the year, thereby marking the end of the first half of the year.

Also, the month of June is a time to take stock of all our activities so far, our gains and loses. It\’s a time to reflect on our corporate mission as an organization, and scale our plans halfway down the year, to see if we are still on track or have derailed from the original vision.

To all our students, parents, educators, Tech Leaders, STEM Advocates, partners and sponsors, Edufun Technik wishes you a Happy New Month. We hope and believe with confidence that this new month of June will bring us many good fortune far more than the months before.

And above all, with a heart full of joy and appreciation we give thanks to God Almighty for preserved our souls till this day. May His majestic name be glorified forever and ever.

#June1 #HappyNewMonth #CNN #BBC #AnambraState #Thanksgiving #Nigeria #EdufunTechnik #June2020 #Africa

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