
Education should be about nurturing lifelong learners and future leaders rather than about getting good grades after examinations. According to series of research, experts believe that young learners need constant feedback, direction and guide, and space to try and fail again and again as they mature to adulthood.

This opinion thus highlights some wrong methods that educators are using to teach, and how negatively they impact on students. Below are just few examples:

Educators need to stop making the classroom lessons to be about students compliance and obedience to instructions, and start making it to be about engagement, cooperation, and innovation. The classroom should be a hub of ideas and experimentations, to accommodate creativity, diversity, and growth.

• Also, educators need to stop assessing every student with the same method since they all differ in their learning techniques and pace. Rather they should focus on creating a personalized form of learning for every student in order to help them become successful in their studies.

As modern technologies of the 4thIndustrialRevolution continue to gain access to the educational sector, it\’s now very necessary that we restrategize how we impart knowledge to students if we must provide a very conducive environment for theirlearning

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