When you spot a problem in your community, strive to provide a solution.

When you find out you need extra hands, form a team and work with them.

When you have disagreements with your team over certain issues, try to be patient, understanding and open-minded.

When things don\’t work out for you, try to be creative and consistent.

When it is necessary to make compromises, take a bow and accept the reality.

When there is need to make sacrifices, volunteer yourself to do the job.

Be humbe, be loyal, be committed, be focused, be strong, be wise, be innovative, be compassionate, and also be cooperative.

In all that you do, always be the leader. Lead by example.

Be the change you seek, so that your examplary leadership will inspire many others to follow in your footsteps.

Enjoy a blissful Wednesday

#Motivation #YoungLeaders #STEMed #Teamwork #Creativity #Inspired #Tech #Volunteers #Educate #YouthLeaders #WorldYouthDay #August12 #WYD2020

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