African Women Leaders In STEM

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STEM, Are there African women in STEM fields? Of course, there are many of them.

Meet Rebecca Enonchong, the Cameroonian woman Technopreneur who founded AppsTech, Bethesda, a Maryland-based global provider of enterprise application solutions in the United States. AppsTech, which was founded in 1999 now has clients in more than 40 countries on 3 continents.

The company, an Oracle platinum partner, offers a diverse range of enterprise software products and services including implementation, training and application management services for large and medium sized companies.

Apart from developing innovative models in the tech industry, Enonchong also serve as an advisor/mentor to several African Tech startups, and is also the founder of the Africa Technology Forum (ATF), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting technology in Africa.

Well, studying Rebecca\’s entrepreneurial journey in the Tech industry is very important to our girls, not only to teach them about STEM education, but to reassure them that an African woman can actually succeed in STEM despite her social, cultural or religious background.

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